Monday, May 5, 2008

First Outdoor Eating 2008

It has been chilly.
Bonus - keeps the insect life at low ebb.
Deficit - not enough time just sitting out enjoying the weather.

Saturday we got cold and stayed that way. I was able to put on full body armor and attack the creeping raspberries, but still haven't finished planting.
Sunday was beautiful. Hannah & Sophia went biking and canoeing with our neighbors Lew and Cynthia, and they generally had a fine day in the sun. When they got home we celebrated the first really nice day with a pot-luck gathering. Sam had a taste for barbecue sauce - so on the grill went:
1 fresh onion
1 chicken, cut and marinaded in orange juice, onions, & Garlic
new potatoes wrapped in a foil pouch

We added cheesey polenta with roasted garlic (should have been cheese grits, but out of grits - so polenta are grits-like) and some weird broccoli thing that Sam bought.
Lew and Cyn and Ellie added an enormous salad filled with ripe avocado slices.

We ate it all up. Can't say if it was SO delicious or if hunger,as they say, makes the best sauce, but we were all happy.
Creative Commons License
So What Are We? Chewish? by Kate Tabor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.